Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Primo means "first" in Italian. My first blog, my first time writing where strangers may read, and my first time wanting to do it. I learned that with this new book/cd set that teaches people (me and my beau) to learn Italian. This is really the whole reason I started this blog. I thought it would be a good idea to write down some "summertime goals" and have a much easier time accomplishing them if I knew I had to write about them. Before I dip into the list, here's a little information about myself.

I love to laugh. Many people and their actions inspire me. School is all I know in this point of my life and I love every minute of it. Even though my family has its share (quite a large portion actually) of quirks and mishaps I still can't imagine a day without any of them. I am in love with my high school sweetheart of 7.5 years. There is a rather lengthy list of friends who I wouldn't be able to function without and I'm pretty sure I've let them know how special they are to me. My future is clear but the road getting there is a little foggy right now. I have high hopes that the fog will lift in a few months time. As for everything else, I think it'll come out in future posts.

So here my list of things I would like to accomplish by the end of my summer:
1. Learn to speak Italian, not fluently but good enough for comprehension and conversation.
2. Complete my Bachelors Degree and graduate on August 2.
3. Receive a 'B' or better in my final four classes.
4. Organize my apartment. This includes throwing away/ giving away things I do not need or want and staying organized.
5. Complete my sister's graduation scrapbook. Heck, complete any scrapbook.
6. Scan all of my current photos to digital so they are always with me.
7. Start and stick to a exercise plan.
8. Eat healthier, that shouldn't be hard.
9. Plan a future road trip with my beau.
10. After graduation, find a job that will allow me to learn about my field.
11. Save, save, save money. (new car, bigger place, puppy, grad school, road trip)

So there it is. My List. Things will be added to it and hopefully crossed off as I complete them. Wish me luck and I look forward to starting a new, almost, therapeutic blogging habit.

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