Saturday, August 1, 2009


So it's been over a year since I've last posted and life has been wonderful/crazy/stressful/fantastic/amazing/draining/fun-filled and almost every other emotion.

Let's take a trip back about a year ago...

I was just about to walk for graduation with my bachelors degree, I sold my car and my mom gave me her's so I would have less problems and troubles (Thank You mom!!), I hadn't been accepted into grad school yet but I decided to take post-baccalaureate classes so I could stay in school and build a better rapport with the faculty and staff of the program, I was really genuinely happy. Things didn't change much except I was accepted into the grad program!! I started in the spring semester and it has consumed my life ever since. Besides school, my sister has moved back home and has been doing amazing, which makes me so happy! My beau and I started to rent fantastic house and re-vamped the whole inside only to find out that our lessor wanted to change our lease so instead of staying 2+years we will only be staying a year- boo to you mr. Speaking of the love of my life, me and my beau have been going strong for over 8 1/2 years, it's an amazing feeling to know that our love can continue to blossom.

Let's talk about School. The one thing in my life that is always constant yet always changing. Besides my first non-official semester, I have been completely submersed in school since January. It doesn't allow me to do anything else, eating and sleeping are a rare occasion. One of my saving graces is the fact that I have made amazing friends in this program who I constantly see because they are my study and support group. I can turn to them for anything and everything. I mean anything. I do not know what my life (or grades) would be without them. Thank you ladies. My class work and clinic are constantly pulling me in 1,000 directions and as far as I can see that won't be changing anytime soon. I'm not graduating until 2011! Holy moly... but only 5 more semesters.

Officially my 2nd semester is done! Typically this would leave me with 2 weeks of nothing however that just isn't in the cards this time. I will have until Tuesday off (that's right 5 days) I will then shadow for the 2nd time my friend so I can take over her nanny position, that I will start solo next Monday (yay!), then my school district decided to bump up the meetings which means I will be back at work on Thursday!! eek! The whole following week is filled with nanny-ing and other work stuff. Then grad school and students return to school!! My break just flew before my eyes-

Well I really don't have anything else to write about and hopefully my next post won't be another year....

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